The Hanging Lantern Company

Lantern Design Ideas

Chinese lanterns have long been used in Asia to adorn homes and paper lanterns were originally used to ward away bad spirits. Later people began to make hanging lanterns in the shape of Chinese dragons, characters and animals. Today, paper lanterns are mainly used as decorations both inside and outside of the home across the world. However, Feng Shui is extremely important in the Orient where they create a beautiful, decorative effect wherever they are hung around the home. Each colour of Chinese lantern encourages a different atmosphere and sets a tone when hung and lit…

Feng Shui is an ancient and wise approach to the way our environment and surroundings affect us. Therefore by learning what colours of Chinese lantern to use to adorn different rooms in your home we can improve your lives and well being.

According to Feng Shui a knowledge of colours and using our coloured hanging lanterns can create harmony in any home or workplace. Colours should not be used randomly but used according to which of the five elements they represent.